Non-Surgical & Drug-Free Solution

Stop Suffering with Knee Pain

We offer a unique and leading-edge approach to treating knee pain. We have helped hundreds of patients, just like you, reduce their knee pain fast and get back to living their lives.

Are You Ready To Be Free From Pain

Contact Us Today!


We are different…

We are Medical Rejuvenation Solutions Integrated Medical Center in Indepedence and Marlton and Galloway, New Jersey, NV. Our extensive training, unique approach, and highly specialized therapies give our patients a huge advantage in re-establishing their active and normal lives. To tell you the truth, we have other doctors calling and wondering how our patients get such good results while their patients continue to suffer. The GenVisc and other natural joint injections combined with other more natural approaches that we use are the best available and many other doctors don’t want to invest the kind of money it takes for the best equipment. Even doctors that do invest in quality technology don’t get the results we do. Using the highest quality technology is just one piece of the solution to being free of chronic knee pain.
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Patients Treated

We are highly-trained and experienced in knee pain relief.
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Natural and Non-Invasive Knee Procedures

Every patient is different, so we like to have options to choose from.

Years in Practice

We are honored to have served the Akron area for many years!

Discover the Benefits of PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma) Therapy,
Today's Premier Non-Surgical Solution to Chronic Joint Pain



Have you accepted the fact that there is nothing that can be done about your pain that may be associated with Peripheral Neuropathy or Nerve Damage?

Are you tired of searching for so-called “solutions” that never really seem to help?

Is there anything more annoying and life-disrupting than constant hand and foot pain? The constant aching and throbbing pain, burning and tingling, prickling pain, the pill popping, the having to say “no” to doing the things you love.


We are so glad that you found us!

Patients come to us when they are frustrated with the options their doctors have given them and they are searching for something better. By the time people find us they think that they have tried “everything” to fix their knee pain.

Just wait until you see what we can offer.

We are here to give you hope. Our more natural, non-surgical, opioid-free solutions to knee pain actually work. Many of our treatments are covered by Medicare & Major Insurance carriers, so there is little to no out-of-pocket cost for you.

It’s time to stop covering up the pain and get to the root cause.

We are confident that we can help reduce your knee pain, and in some instances completely eliminate it.
It’s what we do.


How Can We Help You?

What Causes Knee

Chronic knee pain is widely recognized by health care providers as one of the most difficult pain syndromes to manage and treat. We have been intensely working with people suffering with these symptoms for close to a decade.

Often after just a few treatments, patients with excruciating chronic knee pain – including bone on bone knee degeneration – are telling us AND SHOWING US how their pain levels, swelling, and stiffness have decreased while their walking strength has increased. They are SHOCKED and THRILLED with the results.

Is it hard for you to do activities like walking, bending, standing and lifting? What causes your knee pain?

  • The most common causes of knee pain are related to aging, injury, or repeated stress on the knee.
  • Common knee problems include sprained or strained ligaments, cartilage tears, tendonitis, and arthritis.
  • Diagnosing a knee injury or problem includes a medical examination and usually the use of a diagnostic procedure(s) such as an x-ray, MRI, CT scan or arthroscopy.
  • Both non-operative and surgical treatment options are available to treat knee pain and problems depending on the type and severity of the condition.

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Your Own Body’s Healing

Natural Therapies

A growing body of evidence has shown that using your own growth factors can be as effective (or more effective) than anti-inflammatory medications or cortisone, particularly in the early stages of arthritis. We offer several alternative approaches to knee pain that have our patients raving about the life-changing results.

Human Cellular Tissue

For individuals who are suffering from a degenerative condition or injury and are seeking non-surgical, drug-free solutions, human cellular tissue therapy may be the answer.

This safe and effective regenerative medicine treatment serves as an alternative to invasive surgical procedures and potentially hazardous pain medication. At Medical Rejuvenation Solutions Integrated Medical Center, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the most advanced medical treatments available. Human cellular tissue therapy is a cutting-edge technique that uses cellular components to promote tissue regeneration and repair.
Conditions that we have successfully treated with human cellular tissue include:

If you are suffering from any of these conditions, our team of medical professionals can help.

Treating Pain at the Source with Cellular Tissue Injections

Human cellular tissue injections are a safe and effective alternative to risky surgeries and potentially harmful drugs. This outpatient therapy harnesses the body’s natural healing processes to address the root cause of your pain so that it no longer persists.

The injections contain powerful cellular components, like:

These compounds help stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and promote tissue repair and regeneration, which makes for a faster and more effective pain relief treatment. Human cellular tissue therapy is minimally invasive and does not require surgery.

This means that patients can typically return to their normal activities within a short period of time after treatment.

Platelet-Rich Plasma

Are you seeking an innovative, non-surgical solution for pain relief, injury recovery, or rejuvenation? Platelet-Rich Plasma could be what you are looking for.

Platelet-Rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a cutting-edge, regenerative medicine treatment that leverages the natural healing abilities of your own blood to facilitate tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and promote overall wellness.

At Medical Rejuvenation Solutions Integrated Medical Center, we have successfully treated conditions such as:

Aside from treating chronic or degenerative conditions, we also use PRP for skin rejuvenation, like PRP facials.

Unlock Your Body’s Healing Potential with Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a regenerative medicine treatment that utilizes your body’s natural healing capabilities to promote tissue repair and alleviate pain.The benefits of PRP therapy include minimal downtime, low risk of side effects, and a high success rate.

Since PRP therapy utilizes your body’s own healing mechanisms, it is a safe and effective treatment option for many individuals who wish to avoid surgery or medications.With PRP therapy, you can unlock your body’s healing potential and enjoy long-lasting relief from pain and discomfort.

The PRP Process

Our skilled and experienced medical team ensures the PRP therapy process is safe, efficient, and effective.

The procedure entails the following steps:

  • Blood Draw: A small amount of blood is collected from your arm.
  • Centrifugation: The blood sample is placed in a centrifuge, which separates the PRP from other blood components.
  • PRP Extraction: The platelet-rich plasma is extracted and prepared for injection.
  • PRP Injection: The PRP is carefully injected into the targeted area under ultrasound or fluoroscopic guidance.
The entire process takes approximately 1-2 hours, and you can expect to resume your normal activities shortly after treatment. At Medical Rejuvenation Solutions Integrated Medical Center, you’re placing your trust in a team of compassionate, highly-trained medical professionals who prioritize your well-being. Our state-of-the-art facility ensures a comfortable, clean, and safe environment for your PRP treatment.

Regenerative Medicine FAQ’s

Regenerative Medicine is a form of tissue engineering and molecular biology which deals with the “process of replacing, engineering or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function”. When injured or invaded by disease, our bodies have the innate response to heal and defend. Harnessing and enhancing the body’s own regenerative powers is a medical practice at the frontier of present-day advancements whose properties may seem miraculous to those who benefit from them. The miracle, however, is the result of scientific exploration that has begun to unlock and utilize the body’s extraordinary ability to heal and restore itself.

Cells are the building blocks of tissue, and tissues are the basic unit of function in the body. Generally, groups of cells make and secrete their own support structures, called extracellular matrix. This matrix, or scaffold, does more than just support the cells; it also acts as a relay station for various signaling molecules. Thus, cells receive messages from many sources that become available from the local environment. Each signal can start a chain of responses that determine what happens to the cell. Through medical technology we can now understand how individual cells respond to signals, interact with their environment and organize themselves into a healing process. Scaffolds are created utilizing various Regenerative Medicine therapies allowing for the tissue “ self-assemble”.

Regenerative medicine can be used for a multitude of conditions including, but not limited to pain management, sports injuries, spinal conditions, podiatry, tendon tears, ligament injuries, cartilage damage, reducing inflammation, the list goes on and on.

Based on your condition or injury your physician will customize a treatment plan for you and determine what therapy, or combination of therapies, will work best for you.

In most cases, the therapy involves a simple procedure and is minimally invasive. Due to this, the procedure takes very little time and leads to minimal discomfort.

Most patients experience little, if any, recovery time from the procedures. You will be provided with pre and post-care instructions based on your specific condition and treatment.

Insurance coverages vary by state but in most cases no, regenerative medicine treatment is not covered. We can provide you with an itemized statement so you may personally file a claim to your insurance provider.

The cost for regenerative medicine therapy is based on the procedure and type of product needed. Our staff will sit down with you prior to your procedure and explain the cost as well as finance options if required.

Every condition and treatment is different. We take our patients through our advanced assessment so we can carefully determine the right treatment plan for you. Many patients are experiencing major relief from Regenerative Therapy after only ONE treatment!

Every person is unique! We offer one on one consultations with a specially trained provider to see if you are a candidate. Accordingly, we will determine the best treatment option for you along with the price. We don’t feel that price should get in the way of your health. If we find that regenerative therapy is right for you and will improve your quality of life, there are various payment options available.

There is Hope

Our Knee Pain Treatment Succeeds
Where Other Treatment
Methods Fail

Chronic knee pain can be agonizing. making it impossible to live a normal, active life. Sitting on the floor to play with kids or grandkids is unbearable when painful knees feel like they’re on fire. Even getting a good night’s sleep is rare when relentless knee pain throbs all night long. Daily activities that used to be second nature become burdensome when knees burn with every step. Being active and agile feels impossible when the knee pain just won’t go away. Continuing to ignore the pain may evolve into increased joint damage, disability, and pain. Healthy knees are essential for most normal activities. When knees are weakened or injured, it can be the most piercing joint pain known to man. Related conditions include arthritis, tendonitis, meniscus tears, crunching and popping sounds, and bursitis.

For people living with any of these painful symptoms, FDA-cleared GenVisc 650 therapy might be the best solution to finally help restore knees to normal and stop the pain and regain energy, steadiness, and flexibility.

At the core of our plan is a series of injections of a natural lubricant your body produces every day. This all-natural lubricant coats the knee joint to help the joint move smoothly once again.

Our modern therapy is a safe, gentle, and non-invasive treatment. It improves circulation, aids in regenerating tissue, reduces swelling, and relieves pain.

This treatment is used by professional athletes and sports teams to accelerate recovery from injury.

We Can Treat:

Don’t Waste Another Day In Pain.

This Stuff Works

Top 6 Benefits of Our Knee Treatments

We are amazed every day by the success our patients are experiencing! Our unique protocol for knee pain for osteoarthritis and chronic knee pain has enabled our patients to reduce or even eliminate knee pain of the worst kind. Our patients report the following top 6 benefits from our knee pain relief treatments:


Have More Energy

Knee pain takes over every aspect of your life. It’s hard to walk, enjoy time with friends, and even sleep. How many nights have you tossed and turned getting up with a throbbing knee? Our patients report having more energy and vitality after our treatments. Imagine how good you are going to feel without knee pain!


Improve Your Mobility

There is nothing worse than being unable to get around. Having to ask for help, use a walker, or even a wheelchair. Chronic knee pain can impact your ability to drive, go for healthy walks, and do the things you love like playing golf or spending time in the garden. Restore your ability to walk around and feel free to do whatever you want. Don’t waste another day living with pain.


No More Pills

Imagine no more waiting in line at the pharmacy. No more days feeling constipated and tired from the pain medication you have to take for your knee. Our patients experience fast and long- lasting relief with our knee pain treatments using GenVisc and natural therapies. Go ahead and plan that next vacation without worrying about whether or not you will have fun because of your pain. Freedom from pain is a simple phone call away.


Regain Your Ability to Exercise

We all know how important it is to exercise on a regular basis, something that is very difficult to do with chronic knee pain. We get it. It’s hard enough to stay motivated to exercise without the pain. After your treatment with us you should be able to start exercising again. Go on long walks, play ball, maybe get back out there on the golf course. Without pain, you can finally get back to do the things you love!


Improve Your Quality Of Life

We all understand that we have a limited amount of time here on Earth. How valuable is your time? How much is a day worth to you? Living in pain can feel as though you are not really “living” a life at all. You are frustrated, grumpy, and just plain worn-out from feeling pain all the time. Our knee treatment patients report having an increased feeling of vitality and aliveness. How would your life be different if you didn’t have to live with pain? We can’t wait for you to find out!


Wake Up Without Pain

When that alarm goes off, what is the first thing you think about? Is it your knee pain? That is the reality for some people, and the first sign that knee pain has taken over your life. Imagine waking up, lying there in bed and not having to wonder if that first step is going to be excruciating. You can get up, go to the bathroom, jump into the shower and get dressed; all without knee pain. These results are typical in our office and patients report waking up feeling refreshed and excited to start the day without pain.

Meet The Doctors

Meet the doctors who work at Medical Rejuvenation Solutions Integrated Medical Center.

Owner, Chiropractor, Functional Medicine

Dr. Lynelle McSweeney

For Dr. McSweeney, chiropractic is a family thing. She grew up in her father’s chiropractic office, and it was her favorite place. As a five-year-old, she would dress up in one of his white doctor’s coats and go room to room offering back massages. When she was in high school, Dr. McSweeney began attending chiropractic seminars with her father, a tradition they maintain now to stay current on new technologies and skills.

In 2000, Dr. McSweeney graduated with a degree in sports medicine and was accepted into the Palmer West Chiropractic College. During her final year, she practiced with Drs. Matt and Mike Janzen, chiropractors for Ultimate Fighting Champions, professional athletes, and Olympians.

Dr. McSweeney completed a two-year preceptorship at her father’s practice before setting out on her own. In addition to the several annual seminars she attends with her father, she also completes more than 30 hours per year in specialized nutrition studies and over 25 hours per year in additional studies.

When she’s not at work, Dr. McSweeney enjoys spending time with her husband and three children. She also likes hiking, biking, running, and spending time outside.

Medical Director, Nurse Practitioner

Lindsay Gillette

After serving as a nurse and nurse practitioner in the U.S. Navy for the past 15 years, Lindsey is bringing her skill set and experience to Medical Rejuvenation Solutions Integrated. As our family nurse practitioner, Lindsey is spearheading our regenerative medicine services. That means targeted, responsible pain management modalities, including the use of platelet-rich protein (PRP) joint injections and trigger point injections, as well as primary care services. Lindsey’s expertise gives our patients the safest, most conscientious, and most appropriate form of care for their unique circumstances.
Lindsay’s Naval career gave her a wide range of clinical experiences both on U.S. soil and abroad. Most recently she provided general primary care services to active duty and veteran families in the Pacific Northwest. Here at Medical Rejuvenation Solutions, she’ll be honing her specialty on musculoskeletal pain management, a focus that aligns with our holistic approach to care. “Treating the whole patient is why I chose my career in nursing in the first place and I have seen that shift in the nature of patient care during the course of my career,” says Lindsay.”

There are a number of providers and healthcare systems that push small fixes for the immediate need, which isn’t necessarily what the patient needs. I am thrilled to work alongside a team who believe in working with patients to manage the big picture when it comes to their health and wellness and provide targeted treatments where needed.”

When she’s not working, Lindsay shoulders the demanding but rewarding role of chief executive home management officer. She’s the mother of two young and energetic sons, and her husband flies for UPS and the U.S. Navy as a Naval Reserve pilot. When the family is together, they enjoy exploring their new hometown and settling into their new life as Nevadans.

Knee Pain Relief is Just a Phone Call Away.

(Due to the high demand for our knee pain services, appointment times are limited)

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Our team is waiting for your call.


We will get to know you and your unique situation to decide how best to help you!

Procedure Day

Your procedure is a simple in-office visit that will get you on your way to reducing pain!

Pain Free Life!

Start taking your first steps without chronic knee pain.

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What our patients are saying about us.

Carlee Molesan
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1st. - I am a sissy when it comes to needles but I am totally sincere when I say NO PAIN! They are able to pin point exact location where my knee needed the shot so guess work is eliminated. The staff is wonderful and very supportive. I confessed my fear and they were kind, encouraging and constantly asking if I was ok- which I was. The patients we met in waiting room were so pleased with their progress. I do not have any knee pain at this time.
Frankie Melendez
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From day one I've been treated like royalty. All processes have been explained to a t. With this crew I feel like I can rule the world 🌎. I felt results from day one. I have so much to thank this crew for... Ps: come and start your treatments
Coleen Zisa
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I have experienced bilateral knee pain every moment of everyday. Learning about PRP was a blessing. This incredible team has helped me. Several times I have been told "my knees are bone on bone" and I do not want replacement surgery. I am seeing daily improvement and less pain. Thank you so much. This is a healthy nonsurgical alternative based in science.
Eva Adamczyk
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Great people and great results. My mother in law is moving better and with much less pain. Now she is much more active 🙂
Penny Jacobs
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The results of the gel shots are awesome and I am so grateful for the referral to MRS. I went through the shots through Shore Orthopedic with little relief and was crossing my fingers until today when I knew it was different and I was going to be pain free. It’s a focused alternative to knee replacement they works!

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