Empower Tone
There’s more to bladder control than just the pelvic floor muscles. Ab strength, especially after birth, is a contributor as well. On top of that, who doesn’t want a strong and flat core? Empower Tone is a non–invasive, hands–free treatment that uses electrical muscle stimulation to build and strengthen abdominal muscles and address diastasis recti. It can be used solely to strengthen your abs through electro–muscular stimulation (EMS), or it can be used as part of a broader treatment plan for a totally non–hormonal approach to stress, urge, or mixed urinary incontinence.
During your Tone treatment you will experience a sensation similar to muscle activation during an intense workout. The intensity of treatment can be adjusted at any point of the session along with the ability to pause the treatment via the patient control button. There is no need for anesthetic and patients don’t find this treatment painful.
Tone sessions are 30 minutes long.
You will start to experience and feel some changes just after a few treatment sessions. Full results will be seen after you complete your series.
Aside from feeling like you just had a great workout, there is not downtime at all.
The number of treatment sessions varies by person. We recommend that everyone starts out with a series of 6 sessions with a monthly maintenance treatment. However, we will discuss a customized treatment plan for you based on your goals during your consultation.
Revitalize and rejuvenate your skin with Morpheus8, a subdermal adipose remodeling skin treatment! This revolutionary technology combines microneedling with radiofrequency heat to offer a superior solution to tighten the jawline, diminish wrinkles, improve skin texture, reduce skin irregularities, and provide a healthier younger looking you! During the treatment, microneedles penetrate the skin to stimulate your body’s natural collagen and elastin production returning a fresh, youthful look to your skin. The radiofrequency heats the deeper layers of the skin to precise temperatures that cause the fibroseptal network to contract and pull your skin tight creating more defined and contoured features.
During the treatment we use a topical numbing agent to ensure patient’s comfort. Most patients report to tolerate the treatment well with very minimal discomfort. The sensation during treatment consists of mild pressure with some areas feeling ‘warm’ or ‘spicy’. Any sensation does subside post treatment and patients feel zero discomfort.
Depending on the treatment area, Morpheus8 typically takes 30-60 minutes after 45+ minutes of numbing.
Some results can be immediate, and most patients start to notice significant improvements 7 to 10 days after the first session. Full results are 6 months after you complete your series.
There is no physical downtime and social downtime is minimal. Make-up can be applied 1-2 days post treatment. Patients may have visible micro-lesions and mild bruising for up to a week however they are well covered under make-up. Immediately post treatment some redness may occur but, in most patients, doesn’t last longer than a few hours.
Recommended treatment protocol is a series of three-monthly sessions. However, we will discuss your customized treatment plan based on your goals during your consultation.
Morpheus8 Body is the newest innovation in fractional microneedling and radiofrequency. This is the deepest fractional treatment available, featuring ‘burst mode’ which allows treatment of multiple depth in the same instance, yielding a quicker treatment time. Morpheus8 Body is a great option for anyone seeking non-surgical skin tightening and body contouring. Most patients will see great improvement in skin elasticity, volume and cellulite reduction and overall improvement in skin irregularities.
To ensure patients’ comfort we provide a variety of numbing options for the Morpheus8 Body treatment. Most patients report to tolerate the treatment well with very minimal discomfort. The sensation during treatment consists of mild pressure with some areas feeling ‘warm’ or ‘spicy’. Any sensation does subside immediately after treatment.
Session times can vary, based on your treatment plan and goals. On average, patients can expect to spend 2 hours in our office.
Some results can be immediate, and most patients start to notice significant improvements 7 to 10 days following the first session. Full results are 6 months after you complete your series.
There is no physical downtime and social downtime is minimal. Patients may have visible micro-lesions, some bruising and mild soreness in the treated area for up to a week. Immediately post treatment some redness may occur but, in most patients, doesn’t last longer than a few hours.
The number of sessions needed will depend on each person’s body and goals. Recommended treatment protocol is a series of three-monthly sessions. However, we will discuss your customized treatment plan based on your goals during your consultation.
Morpheus8V is the latest innovation in women’s health that helps to address the most common feminine health concerns. Morpheus8V uses advanced micro-needling combined with radiofrequency heat to stimulate collagen and elastin production. This helps build healthy vaginal tissue. Patients see improvement in stress urinary incontinence, mixed urinary incontinence, intimacy, and increased lubrication and blood flow to the vaginal tissues.
During the treatment we use a topical numbing agent to ensure patients’ comfort. Most patients report to tolerate the treatment well with no discomfort. The sensation during treatment consists of mild pressure and possibly warmth. Any sensation does subside post treatment and patients feel zero discomfort.
Each session lasts about 30 minutes.
Most patients report some immediate results and improvements. Full results are four months after you complete your series.
Patients can get back to their normal activities right after the treatment. Most report having a mild to moderate feeling of soreness in the vaginal canal. It is recommended to abstain from physical exercise for 2-4 days and sexual activity for a week.
Recommended treatment protocol is a series of three monthly sessions. However, we will discuss your customized treatment plan during your consultation.
VTone provides electrical stimulation and neuromuscular re-education to strengthen and rehabilitate weak pelvic floor muscles. This improves stress, urge, and mixed urinary incontinence in women. The treatment applicator mimics kegel exercises but at a much higher intensity. This is non-surgical, non-hormonal solution for pelvic floor strength and enhanced intimacy.
VTone feels like a kegel. It is merely an electrical pulse making your muscles contract.
Each session lasts about 20-30 minutes.
Results will start to appear soon after your first session and will continue to improve through your treatment course.
There is no downtime associated with this treatment. You might feel very mild muscle soreness, but otherwise you can go about your daily activities.
Recommended treatment protocol is a series of 6 sessions. However, we will discuss your customized treatment plan during your consultation.